Rafting Adventure

Adventure in virtual reality


Full speed ahead!

A two-minute aquatic rollercoaster

Make yourself comfortable on one of our 4 buoys. You'll be catapulted into the shoes of an adventurer on a mysterious tropical island.
In the blink of an eye, your boat will be hurtling down raging rapids, twisting and turning between the bumps and troughs of this imaginary river, where you will be met by strange and monumental creatures: a barking mammoth, a giant snake and a terrible white shark.
The journey will not be a smooth one, far from it!

You'll love the waterfalls!

Your hair is already flying as you accelerate into the wind, while your raft is shaken and threatens to break.
There's no point in describing the dizzying plunges, the thrills and chills of the rapids in the water, underground or in the open air. They'll make your heart skip a beat. It's all surprises, fun and thrills. That's our rafting!

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